Our product development


Our Lean development process thats transforms your idea into a new product

1. Analyce the concept

The customer has an idea, a thought, an innovation. Enthusiasm and feeling are good, but moving forward in product development requires knowledge. Are we creating something completely new or perhaps updating/improving the current one? Are there already competing products/services on the market? Good pre-planning saves money and resources and helps avoid mistakes in the later stages of the project.

2. Prototype

In the conceptualization phase, a more precise form and at least one possible technical implementation method are sought for the idea. Is the idea technically feasible? That is the core question of the conceptualization phase. The answer can be searched nimbly with the implementation of a concept prototype.

3. Product development

It's time to get down to the details and finish and refine the technical specification. A prototype is designed and manufactured, which in turn produces valuable information about further development needs before starting production. And if the product being developed has appearance requirements, the industrial designer is now strongly involved in the team at the latest.

In the detailed design phase, the basis is also created for product documentation and operating and installation instructions. In the same way, for example, product dimensions, tolerances and materials are defined.

Manufacturability is strongly included in the plans. Can the product be manufactured profitably? Is the manufacturing in-house or should the production be outsourced?

4. Testing

Is there still room for improvement in the developed product? It will be clarified during the testing phase of the product development project. Testing is quality assurance and customer orientation. Testing also affects costs; correcting a mistake before launching a product is significantly cheaper than reacting afterwards.

5. Launch

The product is introduced to the market, for customers to evaluate. Branding and marketing communications have their own professionals. It is also wise to involve them in the product development project in time.

Product development does not end with the launch; the product is further developed, feedback from end customers is listened to and we react.

Free guide

Guide to the product development process - tips, advice and experiences

Download the free product development guide here to support your own product development. In the guide, we have listed e.g. pitfalls encountered on the way and things that should be taken into account when an electronic product is sent for development.